God has equipped each of us with unique talents and gifts so that we can serve one another in love. Join a volunteer ministry team today and you'll find the joy of serving the body of Christ. We look forward to connecting with you as we serve together!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10


Do you love to talk to and welcome folks?  Then this is the job for you! Contact Roger Reichenbach to get involved with our greeters.  

Prayer ministry

We are always needing Prayer Warriors! We have a team that ministers on Sunday mornings. 

If you feel God calling you to be part of this group, contact Allison Guffey

We also have a group of folks that pray for requests that come through our church office. If you would like to receive these requests, contact our Church Office and we will get you added to the email list.

wednesday night meals

This is a great ministry to get involved with to meet and serve alongside others. There are several ways to serve on a Wednesday night- help prepare food, serve the food or clean up after dinner. Contact us at if you would like to get involved - we need you. 

building maintenence

Our building and grounds are always needing some TLC. If you are a handyman or woman with a passion to serve - this is the spot for you!  Contact Scott Wilson and he will get you plugged in.

Divine Cafe

Sunday mornings are just better when you can grab a cup of coffee or a quick snack before Bible Study. Our kitchen is open Sunday mornings for just that.  Contact Teresa Stienstraw if you want to help set up or clean up on Sundays. They can use you.


We love to fellowship! In fact, we schedule a fellowship on most 5th Sundays. If you would like to help in the kitchen with serving and clean up, there is always room for more! Contact Lisa Bergthold, and she will contact you.

helps ministry

We have folks from time to time that need help with projects at their home and they are unable to do the work or find someone to help - that's where this group steps in. We can use folks with specialized skills (plumbing, electrical, etc.) and just a pair of hands. Contact Mark McClaskey to be added to this team.

response team

This team is designed to help should an emergency arise during Bible Study, Worship or any other activities on our campus. We are looking for EMTs, nurses, policemen, etc. Contact our church office if you would like to be added to this team.

music ministry/tech team

Do you sing? Play an instrument? Are you familiar with running a sound board, lighting or cameras? Do you want to learn? We are always looking for folks to get involved.  Contact Jonna Wilson and she will get you in touch with the right folks.

Ministry to Women

Our women at FBCC are always doing something and always looking for ladies willing to serve behind the scenes. If you would like to help this group, contact them today.

Student ministry

There is a myriad of ways to plug into our Student Ministry.  We do several events during the year where we could use you! If you are interested, contact David Baysinger


We are looking for folks to greet visitors before and after our morning Worship service. If you are able to help out one Sunday or more a month, contact us in the church office.


Children's Church

Do you love kids? Then consider spending one Sunday a month loving on our children. Our church nursery is a warm and wonderful place where our children are taught about Jesus' love.  

We can always use volunteers on Sunday mornings to help with our Children's Church at 10:30 am. This is a time of singing, activities and Bible lessons geared for K-5th graders. Contact Amber Bloom to help.


This team is designed to deliver supplies donated to the church based on different needs in the area throughout  the year. Contact our church office if you would like to be added to this team.

upward ministries

We offer Upward Basketball, Cheer and Soccer each year.  We can always use volunteers for our concession stands, referees, coaches or help with evaluations. Contact Glen Weeks for Upward Basketball/Cheer or Roger Reichenbach for Upward Soccer. 

kids choir

Every September-May, we offer Kids Choir for our K-6th graders. They end their year with a musical. We can use help in a number of ways! Contact Jonna Wilson if you feel led to help this group.